Baby Hello Kitty

Tuesday 30 July 2013


Annyeong hasaeseyo

wee..saja je nk wat entry bertajuk "GROWN" tajuk album terbaru 2PM...
motif nk bgtau? ngeee...saje je sbb now me tgh gaga over 2pm... oh maii *kepala kt dahu* .. hurm, lagu2 dlm ni xsmua puun yg best, ada certain yg catchy and best utk didgr oleh saya ^.^

Sejak dua menjak ni pun aku dh stat lyn all the variety show yg ada 2pm okay... nampak x nampak?penat kay nk track dorunk dlm u-tube..dh jumpa, nk cr yg ada eng sub bagai..fuh..banyak lak tuuu dorunk pernah appear dlm variety show.kalau la aku wat research phd aku ngan keje se gigih tu, cnfrm grad ngan flying colors.

al kisahnyer smua stat dr we got married global edition sgtla suka psgn taecyeon&guigui... giler comel guigui tu...aihh...taecyeon lak charming ^.^ .. well, body dia giler hot kot >.<

p/s: bermula lah KPOP kaw2 dlm kehidupan harian ku.. neway, lagu tajuk suddenly best =)

note:baru perasan,xwat lg entry yg hiking ke lopo waterfall and chilling...kay,next!

Saturday 27 July 2013

Review: Dream High 2010


kay,kali ni saje je nk review citer drama korea dream high 2010..tahu2, citer ni sikit la dh lama baru nk tgk?so laaa ketinggalan zaman...well, me dont like musical drama hokay mcm high school musical, glee... errk,not my cup of tea ... katanyer ..kekeke...

nk d jadikan citer, me mmg dh download drama ni since 2010,tu download je la n duk terperap dlm hardisk...nk dijadikan citer lg, sejak dua menjak ni me boleh la plak tersuka teacyon >.< (p/s: sila salahkan programmed we got married global edition please!) .. tp the first 1-5 episode x habis download me ask hany for the full episode *thanks hani!*

trus me marathon!! kay, marathon la jugak,seminggu settle tgk drama ni.. kay2,back to review..

1. overall okay la citer ni, cuma starting dia mcm tah pape tah, meaning reason hye mi kena masuk kirin art school ngan kes along tu mcm tak munasabah...
2. taecyon as usual, charming =)
3. suzy?hurmmm... dia comel, tp me x suka mana .. shin min ah and gui gui lg come ^.^
4. woo young pun ada...kekekeke
5. to be honest, i never like IU!! dun know y, tp biler dh tgk dream high ni, okay,minah tu comel la jugak,lakonan dia pun comel...suka tgk dia ngan wooyoung *grrrr*
6. nyanyian lagu dlm drama ni smua best2! tp x la smp me nk download...yet~ tp lagu dreamhigh tu mcm menarik gak..

Rate :

Remarks : recommended for those who like musical drama and those who gaga over taecyon >.<


Iftar with BFF - Convent girls =)

weee,alhamdullilah sudah masuk 19hari kami umat islam berpuasa dibulan ramadhan...weee...and smlm, sy sempat berbuka dgn schoolmate convent tercinta...oh maiii,bnyk giler update i dpt, and 1 thing for sure, i masih xpaham kenapa si A ni break ngan si B and g kat si C...sbbnyer dorunk mmg nmpk sikitnyer loving, nk kata sbb money,si A tu pun mmg senang pun walaupun si C tu now earning like $.$ ... tu la,ni namanyer jodoh...

ambik kau,jd joyah sat ha..aihh,udah2, bulan pocer ni...kekeke..

kay smlm we all berbuka kt umah ita..yg g me,ain,hajar, jamie, lilin&husband je...iefa and nik xsihat overall smlm fun =) main2 ngan rizkin, nk tgk eryna, tp si lilin x bwk la plak..huuu..

neway,menu kitaorg simple je,masing2 bwk semua segeranyaaaaa...kekekeke...well,org bujang kan =) berbuka,solat and! wish boleh lama lg,tp msg2 ada we all depaart around 10lebeyh la jugak...

enjoy the pic (credit to ain&ita)

p/s:camera bat habis la plak..

rizkin =) ...mmmm ball

Monday 8 July 2013

28th June 2013 - PD Thistle


wee, last week me and my family went to PD for a short vacay. its a sudden vacation actually, tetiba my bro koll on rabu ckp "Kitty, kau jumaat ni boleh ambik cuty tak?" me: "boleh je...y?" bro:"jom g PD, aku dh booked hotel thistle 2 bilik" me: *without thinking* "okay!!" ahaha,,, al-kisahnyer, abg aku ni stress keje,so dia saje nk ambik cuty...and dia x sabar nk masuk blaja blk september ni..tats y laaa dia nk cuty je mmnjg...oh brother, sy memahami...kekekek

kay,vacay kali ni me,my mom, nath,nicky and nidal je.. tolak pagi dari rumah straight ke PD...first2 pikir..aisey,PD lagi...we all mmg suka turun pd untuk picnic klu nk tahu sbb like 45min from our home je. jd first2 tu mcm reluctant la jugak..biler smp je kt thistle!

wee...most of the time we habiskan masa kt private pool by the beach hokay! nica kann...sambil2 order makan.. overall, cantek la hotel tu,worth every penny. banyak sebenarnyer kemudahan yang di sediakan seperti game hub, aktivity padang (softball, bola padang), game fun with kida, kids room,pool and many more..x habis den n abg den nk explore. Paling bestnyer ialah private pool by the beach...giler LIKE!

Enjoy the pic =)

gurau senda dulu

lepas tu isi tangki dulu

sambung main ngan aunty balik

and get ready for a pool fun!


brother, mother and her grandson =)

in the pool nidal dosent like water that much..aihhh

Private pool by the beach

wat a sunset =)

Big boss!


How to make KIMCHI =)

wee..since im gaga over korean peeps and culture (errkk...statement nymapah!), so, me belaja la a thing or two bout korean cruisine , incase dpt kawen sorunk nnt..kekeke *berangan sat*. kimchi ni mmg selalu me buat sejak dulu, dulu me buat,me sorunk je yg telan..normally, kimchi ni me wat nasi goreng and masak dengan maggie...klu dlm korea panggil kimchi ramen =)...

tapi sejak dua menjak ni, my mom lak tetiba suka kimchi ni...cepat je habis stock kimchi den, siap dia request suh wat lagi ada la...amboi! kemain...dulu perli2 den,now? kekeke...well,moms!

here me nk tunjuk cara wat kimchi..simple and easy as step 1,2 and 3...

1. Kubis bunga yang dah direndam dengan air garam semalaman (Figure 1)
2. serbuk cili kering, minyak ikan and minyak bijan (Figure 2)
3. bawang merah,putih dan buah (epal,pear or pisang kaki will do) yang di blend. (Figure 3)
    p/s: kalau nk racik bwg putih tu pun boleh, up to u,me blend je ha,settle!

Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Bahan dari figure 3 yang sudah di blend

Sesudu besar mnyak bijan dan minyak ikan

Gaulkan minyak bijan dengan bahan sampai sebati

Masukan serbuk cili kering (sebanyak mana,ikut tahap kepedasan masing-masing)

gaul sampai sebati

ambil bahan tadi dan sapukan rata di seluruh badan kubis bunga .



Backdated: 19 May 2013 - Milo Breakfast Run=)


weee..baru nk upload ini event..this is my first marathon...ever! well,i give it a try, see if this activity suit me. This marathon starts at 7am..but and my fren arrived at 730 (lama kay nk cr parking)..and guess what? time ktrg berjln nk ke tmpt start run tu,tetiba org jaga tu tiup wisel and ckp "ketepi,ketepi...first runner nk sampai dh.." n nida just tersenyum je laaaa...kekeke..

YES! we arrived late and the race has started and the 1st runner is already at the finish line... GREAT! there goes my first marathon experience... *sigh* well,since we arrived late and hungry! we g la mencaari makan...and guess wat, bnyknyer lori milo kat situ! more than 15 if not mistaken..WOW! we minum like bnyk kali smbl2 jln menikmati panorama suasana milo marathon. Overall, okay laaaaa..we eat some foods and got goodies bag. not bad.

After that, me n nida went for a famous tree haunting at UPM. wee...and we found it, x sure la pokok ni femes sbb apa sbb nida yg ye ye nk mencari. katanyerpokok ni bnyk org kawen dtg wat shoot and was in the lagenda budak setan movie..errkk..mcm tu la bunyi dia yo

we hangout,lepaking while eating ice cream...yummy! and after a long relaxing under the femes tree, we went home for some delicious lunch at my house. Ptg sikit, we terjun swimming pool puler...weeee =)

enjoy the pics =)

the UPM femes tree

ada org utan  kt femes tree tu


Backdated: 8.05.2013 Nidal's 1st B'Day


wee...last 2month genap sudah anak saudara saya berumur setahun! alhamdullillah...dah setahun si ensem tu ada dalam idup kami..semakin hari semakin sayang hokay!

Since dia adalah cucu sulung untuk kedua2 family,jadi kena la celebrate kannn.. the only cucu and kesayangan lak tu,mmg semua attention kat dia...weeee...11 may 2013 bersamaan dgn hari sabtu,mak n ayah dia ada la wat celebration kat nandos SACC mall...its a small celebration, both family were there...the food was nice and the cake was....fatening!!!!! aihh...

At the same time,sambut mothers day juger... xkisah la apa yg others ujahkan bout mothers day,tp we'll just celebrate w/o any other intention.. wee...^.^ well,yg penting niat..

enjoy the pics =)

Birthday cake =)

Bday boy !

The boys

the ladies
happy boy!

love =)

The celebrations 
